- Product and Laboratory: SUSTANON by Prime Pharma
- Effects: Raw muscle gain, increased strength
- Ingredients: Testosterone (Ester: Testosterone Propionate: 30 mg/ml
Testosterone Phenylpropionate: 60 mg/ml
Testosterone Isocaproate: 60 mg/ml
Testosterone Decanoate: 100 mg/ml) - Form: Injection
- Concentration: 250 mg/ml
- Presentation: 10ml vial (Total box 2500 mg)
- Dosage: 250 – 1,000 mg per week for 8-16 weeks (or longer)
Beginners Intermediate Advanced Female 250 – 500mg per week for 8 weeks 500 – 750mg per week for 8-12 weeks 750 – 1,000 mg per week for 12-16 weeks N/A - Protection during treatment: Anastrozole (Arimidex)
- Pct post cycle therapy: 1 Clomid and 1 Nolvadex per day for 20 days
- Stack: Can be used with any bulking agent and at a minimal level when cutting for hormonal protection.
- Level: Suitable for all users
Buy Sustanon 250 By Prime Pharma (Sustanon 250 mg)
Sustanon is a richly crafted testosterone blend containingfour high-quality esterified ingredients. It is extensively used forhormone replacement therapy andbodybuilding. Its potency emanates from the four mixtures namely testosterone propionate, phenylpropionate, isocaproate, and decanoate. Amongst these four esters are the long acting and short acting compounds. Unlike the rest of testosterone boosters, Sustanon 250 has alonger half-life (15 days) and thus requires sporadic (very few) injections in a bodybuilding cycle. For this, it is regarded as identical to yet another powerful hormone supplement, Omnadren.
Sustanon 250 is the brand name which authentic Sustanon goes by in the market. It is produced, packaged and supplied to us by the well-regarded and trusted pharmaceutical company by the name Prime Pharma. This product is licensed and approved by top international food agencies as fit for human consumption. Our labs always validate this fact before supplying any supplements to you.