- Product and Laboratory: SUSTANON by UltimaPharma
- Effects: Raw muscle gain, increased strength
- Ingredients: Testosterone (Ester: Testosterone Propionate
Testosterone Phenylpropionate
Testosterone Isocaproate
Testosterone Decanoate) - Form: Injection
- Concentration: 500 mg/ml
- Presentation: 10ml vial
- Dosage: 250 – 1,000 mg per week for 8-16 weeks (or longer)
Beginners Intermediate Advanced Female 250 – 500mg per week for 8 weeks 500 – 750mg per week for 8-12 weeks 750 – 1,000 mg per week for 12-16 weeks N/A - Protection during treatment: Anastrozole (Arimidex)
- Pct post cycle therapy: 1 Clomid and 1 Nolvadex per day for 20 days
- Stack: Can be used with any bulking agent and at a minimal level when cutting for hormonal protection.
- Level: Suitable for all users